Targeted for vulnerable women and children, the soap for hope program provides practical hygiene and sanitation solutions to vulnerable households in Uganda. We engage women groups in liquid soap making, marketing, and recycling of used hotel soap – which is distributed to schools and homes of vulnerable children. The program is implemented with support from […]
Previous Next Over the last decade, Uganda has seen an increase in the use of chemicals and destructive modern farming practices among smallholder farmers. This in threatens food security and health by putting the rural poor at a disadvantage – threatening their land tenure and degrading the biodiversity. To reverse this, there is need to […]
How it’s made The Mobile Drip Irrigation kit is made locally by YICE team supported by local youths and women in communities. The kit is made using locally available materials in Uganda. The main materials used to make the kit include, a water tank (150 – 200litrs), perforated drip irrigation pipes, and a raised metal […]
Re-Farm is an integrated regenerative farming project targeting women and young refugee farmers in Uganda. The project aims to contribute to achieving healthier lives, regenerated soils and more resilient livelihoods for refugees and host communities. The project will achieve this by building the capacity of refugees to produce organic nutritious food as well as increasing […]